First we recall the definition of locally residual currents and their basic properties. We prove in this first section a trace theorem, that we use later. Then we define the Abel-Radon transform of a current R(α), on a projective variety X ⊂ IP N , for a family of p−cycles of incidence variety I ⊂ T × X, for which p1 : I → T is proper and p2 : I → X is submersive, and a domain U ⊂ T . Then we show the following theorem, for a family of sections of X with r−planes (which was proved for the family of lines of X = IP N by the author in [4] for p = 1, in [5] for R(α) = 0 and p−planes for any q > 0, and by Henkin and Passare in [7] for p−planes in IP N and integration currents α = ω ∧ [Y ], with a meromorphic q−form ω, and projective convexity on Ũ ):Let α be a locally residual current of bidegree (q + p, p) on U * , with U * := ∪t∈U Ht ⊂ X, where t×HtLet us assume that α is ∂−closed, and q > 0. If R(α) extends meromorphically (resp. holomorphically) to a greater domain Ũ , then α extends in a unique way as a locally residual current (resp. ∂−closed) to the greater domain Ũ * ⊂ X.In particular we recover the result of [5] without using [8]. We formulate another generalization, for complete intersections with respect to a fixed multidegree.