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ALICIA OMARUniversidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR), Rosario -Santa Fe, Argentina.
SOLANA SALESSIPontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Rosario -Santa Fe, Argentina.
FLORENCIA URTEAGAUniversidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos (UADER), Paraná -Entre Ríos, Argentina. Originality/value: clarifying the mechanisms through which HRMP influence desirable organizational outcomes, such as job satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach: a quantitative and transversal study, framed within the guidelines of the associative-explanatory strategy, was carried out. A theoretical model was proposed and tested through structural equations, with confirmatory modeling strategy. The empirical verification was performed with a sample of 557 Argentine employees, who completed the scales of HRMP (25 items); Generic Work Satisfaction (7 items), and Organizational Justice (20 items). Findings: the HRMP that generate the greatest satisfaction among workers are those oriented to employees, and to open systems. Perceptions of justice partially mediate the relationships between HRMP and worker satisfaction.. 14, 2017. Acceptance: July 3, 2017. Evaluation system: double blind review. Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (UPM). Silvio Popadiuk (Editor-in-chief), Silvio Popadiuk (Associate Editor), p. 92-115.