KEY WORDS. Stereology, embedded particle aggregates, line and plane sections, connected sections, Clinc, universal stereological formulae, volume distribution.
S U M M A R YTheoretical stereological approaches to particle aggregates characteristically suppose that each particle is convex, so that upon sectioning, each particle gives rise to either 0 or 1 convex planar profile. Actually, the essential requirement in such approaches is that each planar section profile be connected; such particles need not be convex.In this paper, aggregates of quite general non-convex particles, whose individual planar section profiles may thus comprise a number of disjoint connected regions, are considered. For this, it is necessary to anticipate the ultimate technical development of ultra-sensitive devices (or other methods) capable of identifying in a planar section those disjoint connected regions stemming from the same particle. With this assumption, it is shown how, using the '4-1inc'-a new line section characteristic-to estimate the aggregate volume moment ratio P / V , the standard isotropic section theory fully extends. To complete the picture, the recent development by Jensen & Gundersen of estimators for V / V is extended to the 'restricted' case considered here. Allowing the particle volume distribution to belong to a two-parameter family, these two parameters, N v and the aggregate mean values K, @, S, MF, may all be estimated.
I N T R O D U C T I O NBasic notation (a further notation list is given after equation (14) MY' , n,.)