Analysis methods based on simulations and optimization have been previously developed to estimate relative translation rates from next-generation sequencing data. Translation involves molecules and chemical reactions; hence, bioinformatics methods consistent with the laws of chemistry and physics are more likely to produce accurate results. Here, we derive simple equations based on chemical kinetic principles to measure the translation-initiation rate, transcriptome-wide elongation rate, and individual codon translation rates from ribosome profiling experiments. Our methods reproduce the known rates from ribosome profiles generated from detailed simulations of translation. Applying our methods to data from S. cerevisiae and mouse embryonic stem cells we find that the extracted rates reproduce expected correlations with various molecular properties. A codon can exhibit up to 26-fold variability in its translation rate depending upon its context within a transcript. This broad distribution means that the average translation rate of a codon is not representative of the rate at which most instances of that codon are translated. We also find that mouse embryonic stem cells have a global translation speed of 5.2 AA/s, is similar to what has been previous reported using another analysis method. This large variability in translation rates suggests that translational regulation might be used by cells to a greater degree than previously thought. ‡ These authors contributed equally to this work.Introduction. Translation-associated rates influence in vivo protein abundance, structure and function. It is therefore crucial to be able to accurately measure these rates. The synthesis of a protein consists of three sequential phasesinitiation, elongation, and termination [1][2][3]. During the initiation phase ribosome subunits form a stable translation-initiation complex at the start codon of the mRNA transcript [4,5]. The ribosome then stochastically moves forward along the transcript one codon at a time during the elongation phase, adding one residue to the nascent chain at each step. The elongation phase is terminated when the ribosome's A-site reaches the stop codon, resulting in release of the fully synthesized protein. The initiation and elongation phases of translation contribute to protein levels inside a cell; indeed, alteration of their rates can cause protein abundance to vary by up to five orders of magnitude [6][7][8], and alter protein structure and function [9]. Termination does not influence the cellular concentration of proteins as it is not a rate limiting step [10]. Therefore, knowledge of translation initiation and codon translation rates are important to understand the regulation of gene expression.Significant efforts have been made to extract these rates from data generated from ribosome profiling experiments [11][12][13][14], a technique that measures the relative ribosome density across transcripts [15]. In a number of methods, the actual rates are not measured but instead a ratio of rates, or other releva...