The solution of the exterior-value problem for the fractional Laplacian can be computed by a walk-outside-spheres algorithm. This involves sampling α-stable Levy processes on their exit from maximally inscribed balls and sampling their occupation distribution. Kyprianou, Osojnik, and Shardlow (2017) developed this algorithm, providing a complexity analysis and an implementation, for approximating the solution at a single point in the domain. This paper shows how to efficiently sample the whole field by generating an approximation in L 2 (D), for a domain D. The method takes advantage of a hierarchy of triangular meshes and uses the multilevel Monte Carlo method for Hilbert space-valued quantities of interest. We derive complexity bounds in terms of the fractional parameter α and demonstrate that the method gives accurate results for two problems with exact solutions. Finally, we show how to couple the method with the variable-accuracy Arnoldi iteration to compute the smallest eigenvalue of the fractional Laplacian. A criteria is derived for the variable accuracy and a comparison is given with analytical results of Dyda (2012).We will make use of the following bounds on the unique solution to Eq. (1.1). We use C r (D) to denote the Banach space of r-times differentiable functions with the supremum norm on derivatives up to order r ∈ N. For s ∈ (0, 1), C r+s (D) denotes the Hölder-continuous subspace of u ∈ C r (D) with norm u C r + sup |r|=r [D r u] s < ∞, for [u] s := sup x,y∈D |u(x) − u(y)| x − y s and D r is the partial derivative defined by the multi-index r.