We study the effect of random offset charges in the insulator to conductor transition in systems of capacitively coupled grains, as realized in two-dimensional arrays of ultrasmall Josephson junctions. In the presence of disorder, the conductive transition and charge ordering at nonzero gate voltages are both destroyed for any degree of disorder at finite temperatures in the thermodynamic limit, but crossover effects will dominate at finite length scales. The conductance is linear and thermally activated but nonlinear behavior sets in at a crossover voltage which decreases as temperature decreases. For large disorder, the results are supported by Monte Carlo dynamics simulations of a Coulomb gas with offset charges and are consistent with the thermally activated behavior found in recent experiments. [S0031-9007(98) PACS numbers: 64.70. Pf, 73.40.Gk, 73.40.Rw Two-dimensional arrays of Josephson junctions where the charging energy of the grains is much larger than the Josephson coupling energy are interesting systems where collective charging effects can be studied experimentally in great detail [1][2][3][4]. In these systems, the net charges in the grains have a long range logarithmic interaction when the junction capacitance C is small enough. The charges play the same role as vortices in the resistive behavior of the array, when capacitive effects can be neglected. This allows for the possibility of a Kosterlitz-Thouless (KT) charge unbinding transition corresponding to an insulating to conducting transition at finite temperature [1]. Below the critical temperature T c , neutral charge pairs would be present in the insulating phase while above T c , screening of the electrostatic potential gives rise to free isolated charges and a conducting phase. Experimentally, a transition has in fact been observed in the conductance of small capacitance arrays of normal and superconducting grains [1][2][3] at an apparent temperature consistent with the estimate based on logarithmically interacting charges. Recently, however, a closer analysis of the experimental data of different groups revealed that the onset of finite conductance at finite temperatures could be described just as well by thermal activation of free charges [2,3] with an activation energy E a ഠ 1 4 E c when the grains are in the normal state and E a ഠ 1 4 E c 1 D for superconducting grains, where 2D is the superconducting energy gap at zero temperature. This interpretation neglects the logarithmic interaction between charges expected for an ideal array [1,4] and suggests in turn that, in the experimental systems, the interaction is screened by some unknown mechanism and is essentially short ranged. Although disorder effects, in the form of random offset charges which may be trapped near the grain-substrate interface [1], could be a possible explanation for these results, an understanding of how differently prepared systems, and therefore different degrees of disorder, can still lead to the same activated behavior of the linear conductance is still lacki...