In this letter we show that the field of Operator Space Theory provides a general and powerful mathematical framework for arbitrary Bell inequalities, in particular regarding the scaling of their violation within quantum mechanics. We illustrate the power of this connection by showing that bipartite quantum states with local Hilbert space dimension n can violate a Bell inequality by a factor of order √ n log 2 n when observables with n possible outcomes are used. Applications to resistance to noise, Hilbert space dimension estimates and communication complexity are given.Bell inequalities [3] were originally proposed by Bell [1] in 1964 as a way of testing the validity of EinsteinPodolski-Rosen's believe that local hidden variable models are a possible underlying explanation of physical reality [2]. Nowadays, they are at the heart of the modern development of Quantum Information, with applications in a wide variety of areas: quantum key distribution [4,5], entanglement detection, multipartite interactive proof systems [6,7], communication complexity [8], Hilbert space dimension estimation [9,10,11,12], etc.Despite their importance, very few is known beyond very particular cases and examples. One reason for that is that so far there was no suitable mathematical tool for them. In [12], we showed how for the special case of correlation Bell inequalities, Operator Space Theory-a modern field in mathematical analysis-provides exactly the right language and tools to tackle some of the more difficult problems. There we used operator space techniques to solve an old question of Tsirelson [15]: the existence of unbounded violations for tripartite correlation Bell inequalities. At the same time this established a new result in (formerly) pure mathematics about the generalization of a celebrated result by Grothendieck. Following and extending these lines, we are now able to show that Operator Space Theory is indeed the right mathematical theory to deal with arbitrary Bell inequalities, not restricted to the correlation case based on two-outcome measurements.The aim of the present paper is to sketch the deep relation between the field of Operator Space Theory on the one hand and quantum mechanical Bell inequality violations on the other. Once this connection is established, the language of Operator Spaces allows to derive various new results and considerably strengthen known ones. The mathematical part of these derivations goes beyond the scope of the present paper and is presented elsewhere [13].We illustrate the power of the new methods by showing that quantum mechanics allows for violations of bipartite Bell inequalities of the order √ n log 2 n when given n dimensional Hilbert spaces and observables with n possible measurement outcomes. This result in turn implies better Hilbert space dimension witnesses and non-local quantum distributions with better resistance to noisesomething desirable on the way to loophole free Bell tests. We also discuss implications for quantum communication complexity theory.
Bell InequalitiesW...