Systems of a large number N of globally coupled maps have become popular as a relatively simple prototype of high-dimensional dynamics, showing many interesting and typical phenomena like synchronisation, cluster formation and multistability, and having potential applications in systems like Josephson junction arrays or in biophysical models.There exists a wealth of numerical investigations of globally coupled maps. While much progress has been made in the explanation of the macroscopic behaviour of such systems in the limit N → ∞, there is still need for a sound theory about the asymptotic behaviour of finite-N systems as N approaches infinity.This article introduces a method by which it is possible to obtain asymptotic estimates for long-term deviations from the thermodynamic limit behaviour. This method is based upon the concept of quasipotentials, originally developed by Freidlin, Wentzell, and others for describing the influence of small random perturbations on the long-term behaviour of dynamical systems.The problems of explicitly computing quasipotentials in the present context and potential approximation schemes are discussed. All the concepts described in this article are illustrated with a simple example.