And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time. T.S. Eliot-Little Gidding-1942 This special issue both completes and celebrates the 40 th volume of Compare. We have been privileged to serve as editors of this important journal over the past six years. Both of us came to the role in 2004 and have completed our terms of office in 2009 and 2010 respectively. Part of the strict BAICE/Compare policy of appointing editors and all editorial members for fixed terms ensures a process of permanent renewal. Members of each incoming editorial team appraise the journal as they see it at the time. All do so from their own standpoints, perspectives, commitments and specialisms. This special issue has afforded us a rare opportunity to stand back and take a longer retrospective view, contacting past editors and inviting review and comment. We have experienced a journey back in time that has brought us to where we started, and in so doing we see the place differently, as for the first time. In this editorial, we share that journey with you, our readers.