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NRC Publications Archive Archives des publications du CNRCThis publication could be one of several versions: author's original, accepted manuscript or the publisher's version. / La version de cette publication peut être l'une des suivantes : la version prépublication de l'auteur, la version acceptée du manuscrit ou la version de l'éditeur. For the publisher's version, please access the DOI link below./ Pour consulter la version de l'éditeur, utilisez le lien DOI ci-dessous.
NRC Publications Record / Notice d'Archives des publications de CNRC:http://nparc.cisti-icist.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/view/object/?id=5b75dff8-00e4-4f2b-bacf-77fa70767efd http://nparc.cisti-icist.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/fra/voir/objet/?id=5b75dff8-00e4-4f2b-bacf-77fa70767efdCalibration of isotope amount ratios by analysis of isotope mixtures
Juris MeijaMeasurement Science and Standards, National Research Council Canada, 1200 Montreal Road, Ottawa ON K1A 0R6, Canada E-mail: juris.meija@nrc-cnrc.gc.caAbstract. The question as to what constitutes a fully calibrated isotope amount ratio measurement still remains a topic of active research. For years, the definitive calibration approach has been by means of synthetic mixtures of highly enriched isotopes with known chemical purity to give gravimetrically defined ratios. This article outlines the core concepts and assumptions of this method and illustrates the recent developments in the practical metrology of isotope amount ratio measurements.