I would like to dedicate these lines to express my gratitude to all the people who have helped me in a way or another to achieve this goal that is so important to me. First, I would like to thank my tutor and director, Dr. Ramón Barber, for introducing me to the exciting world of research, for all his support, guidance, trust, and patience over these years of my Ph.D. studies. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with you. I also thank Dr. Oscar Martínez, for all the advice and technical talks and for allowing me to visit his laboratory in Sweden. I would like to thank the University Carlos III of Madrid and all the Robotics Lab members I met during these years. Thank you for your support, professionalism, and friendship; It is an honor to belong to this great research group.I would like to especially thank my lab partner Clara Gómez. Thank you for being such a great partner and friend over these years, for your support, professionalism, your dedication at work. Thank you for being my partner in conferences and research visits. Definitely, the Ph.D. would not have been the same without you.I would like to thank Dr. Zoltan Marton and his team for giving me the opportunity to work with them at the DLR institute in Germany. I would also like to thank Prof. Robert Babuška for welcoming me to his lab at the CTU in Prague. Especially thanks to Erik Derner for being a great lab partner, for our interesting discussions, for his professionalism and friendship. I also thank the people I met at Örebro University, especially Eduardo Gutiérrez; thank you for your support and friendship.Finally and most importantly, I would like to thank my family. Thank you for all your support, your love, and for always being there. Despite the more than 7000 km. that separate us, I am always with you, and I know that you are with me celebrating this achievement. I leave for last, the person I must thank for having embarked on this path. I want to thank my husband, Jesús. Thank you for supporting me and helping me accomplish this goal, for being my partner on this roller coaster of life, for always believing in me, and for having a word of encouragement when I felt like I could not continue. Without you, I am sure I would not have made it. For you all my love and my gratitude.To all my sincere thanks.