Chapter 1 reviews the perception of pitch, with particular reference to the 'residue 1 pitch of complex tonal stimuli. The review considers those physical properties of sound which may be logically related to pitch, and, from a selective discussion of the published literature, attempts to critically evaluate the importance of the possible physical correlates of pitch. The possibility that simple transformations of sounds caused by auditory non-linearities may confound the supposedly independent manipulation of certain physical parameters is also considered.The Chapter provides a general discussion of the 'periodicity 1 theory due originally to Schouten (1938Schouten ( , 1940, the 'neural autocorrelation 1 theory described by Licklider (1959), and a 'spectral-pattern recognition' theory exemplified by two formal models developed by Wightman (1973b) and by Goldstein (1973).The reviewed studies indicate that residue pitch is primarily determined by the frequencies of resolved components rather than by periodicity, and it is concluded that the spectral-pattern theories are able to account for the majority of the available data.Chapter 2 discusses in detail the models proposed by Goldstein (1973) and Wightman (1973b). A general property of the spectral-pattern theories is that the residue pitch of a tonal complex can be considered as a random variable derived more or less directly from a weighted sum of a series of random variables representing internal estimates of the frequencies of ABSTRACT PAGE 2 the components of the signal. In contrast, the residue pitch predicted by Schouten's periodicity theory and by an unmodified version of Licklider's neural autocorrelation theory can be considered to be derived from a single random variable, this being an internal estimate of the period of an unanalysed residue. This distinction, together with the assumption that the components of a complex signal are well-resolved, leads to a psychophysically testable distinction between the spectral-pattern and the periodicity theories. According to the spectral-pattern models, Q"(f^ )/f0 , the relative standard deviation of the theoretical distribution of the residue pitch in the region of the fundamental frequency of a harmonic signal, should be smaller than the minimum of o-(f V-)/f : , the relative ______ v _____ J standard deviations of the theoretical internal distributions of estimates of the component frequencies. The periodicity theory leads to the reverse prediction. Predictions are also developed from the spectral-pattern models for the pitch probability density function (pdf) of the two two-component signals employed in the experiments described in the subsequent Chapters. If o"(f 'j )/f^ is known for each component of these signals, a computer simulation of these models can predict the areas of each mode of the multimodal pitch pdf. Estimates of the parameter cr(f^-)/fj from musical interval indent if ication tasks and from frequency discrimination for complex harmonic signals are discussed.