“…The measurement techniques employed are as follows: ionisation current measurements in a re-entrant ionisation chamber (IC) or a hospital calibrator (HIC) [31,32], net area analysis of full-energy γ-ray peaks (and integral spectrum counting) by γ-ray spectrometry with a HPGe detector (HPGe) [33], particle counting in a planar silicon detector in quasi-2πconfiguration (PIPS) [34], X-ray counting at a small defined solid angle with a gas-filled proportional counter (PC) [35,36], live-timed β–γ anti-coincidence counting (LTAC) [37], triple-to-double coincidence counting with a liquid scintillation vial and three photodetectors (TDCR) [38], liquid scintillation counting (LSC) [38], particle and photon counting in a sandwich CsI (Tl) spectrometer (CsI) [39], internal gas counting (IGC) [40], and α-particle counting at a small defined solid angle with a large planar silicon detector (αDSA) [35,36]. An overview of standardisation techniques and their sources of error can be found in the special issues 44(4) and 52(3) of Metrologia [41,42] and references in [25,28].…”