In the study of rough sets, there are many covering approximation spaces, how to classify covering approximation spaces has become a hot issue. In this paper, we propose concepts covering approximation $T_{1}$-space, $F-$symmtry, covering rough continuous mapping, covering rough homeomorphism mapping to solve this question. We also propose a new method for constructing topology in Theorem 5.1, and get the following properties:
(1) For each $x\in U$, $\{X_{i}:i\in I\}\subseteq \mathcal{P}(U)$ is all the subsets of $U$ which contains $x$ and $*$ is a reflexive relation on $U$. If $V\in \tau$ is a subset of $U$ and $x\in V$, then $\underline{*}(\bigcap \limits_{i\in I}X_{i})$ is the smallest subset of $U$ and $x \in \underline{*}(\bigcap \limits_{i\in I}X_{i})\subseteq V$. Denoted by $C(x)=\bigcap \{\underline{*}(X_{i}):x\in \underline{*}(X_{i}),i\in I\}$.
(2)If $V\in \tau$ is a subset of $U$, then $V =$ $\bigcup \limits_{x\in V} C(x)$.
(3) Let $\{\underline{*}(X_{i}):x\notin \underline{*}(X_{i}), i\in I\}$, then $\overline{\{x\}}$ $=$ $U \setminus \bigcup \limits_{x\notin \underline{*}(X_{i}), i\in I}\underline{*}(X_{i})$;
(4) Let $*$ be a reflexive relation on $U$. For every $X\subseteq U$, we have $int(\underline{*}(X))=\underline{*}(X)$. Where $int(\underline{*}(X))$ represents the interior of $\underline{*}(X)$.
(5) Let $\{\underline{*}(X_{i}):x\in \underline{*}(X_{i}),i\in I\}$ be a family subsets of $U$, then $\{\underline{*}(X_{i}):x\in \underline{*}(X_{i}),i\in I\}$ is a base for $(U,\tau)$ at the point $x$. \\