possible without Vijay Permeswaran who not only set the groundwork that this research was built upon, but was a great mentor, teacher, and help especially when I was just starting out at the lab. Dr. Brendon Patterson also played a pivotal role, acquiring the Zimmer system used during testing as well as offering his time to provide critical medical insight towards the shoulderimplant system. I'd also like to thank past and present members of the University of Iowa Orthopedic Biomechanics lab that I had the pleasure of working with. Specifically, I'd like to give a shout out to Steven Long and Keven Dibbern for helping with diagnostics, as well as introducing me to several techniques used in my thesis. I'd like to acknowledge Dr. Jess Goetz, and Dr. Carolyn Hettrich, members of the previous shoulder team, for offering valuable perspectives and insight about the subject. Lastly, I would like to thank my friends and family for supporting me, specifically my mother for her feedback throughout the writing process, my dad for his life advice, and my grandparents for their encouragement.