“…Experiments performed in whole blood with the commercially available Phagoburst reagent set (Orpegen Pharma) yielded similar results in all cases (data not shown). (24,27 ) Ex (exon) 12-2A3 C (c0.2031-2AϾC), splice mutation with no in-frame splicing; IVS6 -1157A3 G, complex splice mutation with residual normal splicing; 962T3 G and 970delG, complex null mutation; s, strongly decreased, but present; a, strongly increased; ND, not done. Using primers to amplify individual exons including intron boundaries of MPO (myeloperoxidase) 10 and CYBB (cytochrome b-245, also called gp91-phox) (18,27 ), we performed nucleotide sequencing of genomic DNA from MPO-deficient patients and CGD patients.…”