The traditional screening for disease consists of medically testing individuals to detect diseases at an early stage. However, a screening or disease diagnosis is based on a patient-physician interview where patients answer the questions the physician asks him. It can be a direct (face-to-face) interview or an indirect communication by using a medium (video conference, phone, online web application, etc.). The traditional screening for NDCs presents certain limitations. Convergence of non-infectious and infectious diseases is not considered. This chapter proposes an innovative system and framework for pervasive/ubiquitous screening for early detection and prevention of NCDs in asymptomatic individuals at (tropical) infectious diseases risks. The proposed screening consists of pervasive sensing for physical, physiological, biochemical vital parameters, and quality of life by measuring the mental health, lifestyle, social, and climatic environmental modalities using the miniaturized wearable internet of things (IoT) systems and m-health application without activity restriction and behavior modification. It further determines the genetic/genomic predisposition and uses it for the prediction processing.