We analyze the dynamics of metastable Markovian open quantum systems by unraveling their average dynamics into stochastic trajectories. We use quantum reset processes as examples to illustrate metastable phenomenology, including a simple three-state model whose metastability is of classical type, and a two-qubit model that features a metastable decoherence-free subspace. In the three-state model, the trajectories exhibit classical metastable phenomenology: fast relaxation into distinct phases and slow transitions between them. This extends the existing correspondence between classical and quantum metastability. It enables the computation of committors for the quantum phases, and the mechanisms of rare transitions between them. For the two-qubit model, the decoherence-free subspace appears in the unraveled trajectories as a slow manifold on which the quantum state has a continuous slow evolution. This provides a classical (nonmetastable) analog of this quantum effect. We discuss the general implications of these results, and we highlight the useful role of quantum reset processes for analysis of quantum trajectories in metastable systems.
Published by the American Physical Society