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ODERN ELECSITRON ACCELERATORS FOR RADIOGRAPHY Carl EkdahlLos ,4Eamos Natioml I~boratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA
AbstractOver the past dozen years or so there have been significant advances in electron accelerators designed specifically for radiography of hydrodynamic experiments. Accelerator Eechnology has evolved to a c c o m d i t e the mdiojgaphers' contitiuing quest for multiple images in t h e and space:, hprovements in electron beam quality have resulted in smaller radiographic spot sizes for better resolution, while higher radiation do% now provides imprcwed penetration of large, dense objects. Inductive isolation and acceleration techniques have played a ley rob in these advances.The development of electron accelerators for radiography at many laboratories around the world has been motivated by a need for high-resolution data from hydrodynamic experiments driven by high explosives. Some of the largest hydrodynamic experiments study the implosion of mockups of nuclear weapons in which the actinides have been by non-fissile metals. These largescale implos ments are often called Point-projection radiography is the most common technique used to inlage these dynamic experiments. A pulsed "pinl" source of penetrating bremsstrahlung photons illuminates the object from behind, projecting a "snapshot" of the hytirodynamic effects onto a large area f i l m or camaa-based imaging systeim. Improvement of the quality of these images has motivated have evolved through cotisideration of how axekCaEOr parameters can improve the quality of these radiographic images.Stopping the action to minimize hjdrdpamic-motion blur contriMbn to byatid resolution sets the maximum permissible pulse-width of the accelerated electron beam.Shock pressures in high-explosive driven hydrodynamic experiments are multi-megabar, and corresponding shock velocities exceed 1 d p s , so the bremsstrahlung radiation pulse must be 100 ns or less to achieve millimeter scale resolution. Therefore, the accelerator must be capable of producing radiation at a high dose rate, in order to produce sufficient dose for a high-quality image within the short pulsewidth. Bremsstrahlung dose rate is proportional to I@"7, where I is the beam current and E is the beam energy...