Abstract. Assessing the role of physical processes in the stratosphere under climate change has been one of the hottest topics over the past few decades. However, due to the limitations of detection techniques, stratospheric disturbance information from in situ observations is still relatively scarce. The round-trip intelligent sounding system (RTISS) is a new detection technology, developed in recent years, that can capture atmospheric fine-structure information about the troposphere and stratosphere via three-stage (rising, flat-floating, and falling) detection. Based on the structure function and singular measure relationships, we quantify stratospheric small-scale gravity waves (SGWs) over China, using the Hurst and intermittency parameters, and discuss their relationship with inertia-gravity waves (IGWs). The results show that the enhancement of SGWs in the stratosphere is accompanied by weakening of the IGWs below, which is related to the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability (KHI), and is conducive to the transport of ozone to higher altitudes from lower stratosphere. The parameter space (H1, C1) shows sufficient potential in the analysis of stratospheric disturbances and their role in material transport and energy transfer.