In recent years, there has been an active growth in low-rise housing construction in Russia. This trend is explained by the state policy, which is aimed at developing this sector in order to increase accessibility for the population and provide comfortable housing. In addition, the relevance of low-rise housing construction is evidenced by the need of the population in the natural environment, as well as the possibility of living in separate houses. Along with individual construction, the most popular is low-rise housing development in the form of organized residential settlements (“cottage village”) with a developed communal, transport and social infrastructure. The regulations define the requirements to ensure the efficient and rational use of fuel and energy resources. This confirms the need to increase energy savings also in the sector of low-rise housing construction.
The article presents the classification of energy consumption by functional purpose in the construction of low-rise residential buildings, identifies the main groups of energy consumers “machines and mechanisms”, “temporary infrastructure of the construction site” for complex low-rise residential buildings and considers an algorithm for calculating the costs of fuel and energy resources for these groups. It is proposed to include forms of documents for calculation, accounting and control of fuel and energy resources in organizational and technological documentation. This approach will allow you to choose energy-efficient construction technologies at the design stage and keep track of energy consumption during the construction of buildings.