The equidensity orbitals (EO) are used in the resultant entropic description of molecular states which combines the probability and current contributions in the overall information content. Continuities of the modulus and phase components of electronic wavefunctions are examined, and the Harriman-Zumbach-Maschke (HZM) construction of Slater determinants yielding the prescribed electron density is explored. The conditional probability interpretation of (complex) HZM wavefunctions is formulated, the entropy/information contributions due to the state phase component are summarized, and a nonclassical origin of quantum dynamics of the resultant gradient information, related to average kinetic energy of electrons, is emphasized. The phase equilibria maximizing the resultant-entropy measures are explored, and "thermodynamic" phase minimizing the overall gradient information is determined. It generates finite orbital currents giving rise to the vanishing resultant flow of electrons in the system as a whole. Potential use of atomic and molecular EO bases in electronic structure calculations and interpretations in chemistry is discussed, and illustrative example of Gaussian probability distribution is examined in some detail.