Use error due to user interface design defects is a major concern in many safety critical domains, for example avionics and healthcare. Early detection of latent user interface problems can be facilitated by user centered design methods that integrate formal verication technologies. This paper considers the role that formal verication technologies can play in the context of user centered design by considering three existing tools: CIRCUS, PVSio-web, and IVY. These tools have been developed to support the model based analysis of critical user interfaces. They have their foundations in existing formal verication technologies, but each of them is focused towards particular issues relating to user interface design. The paper explores the dierent phases of the user centered design process and the extent to which each of these tools supports these phases. Criteria are developed for assessing their role at each stage of the design process. The results of the evaluation provide guidance to developers to help choose the most appropriate tool based on their analysis needs while at the same time setting challenges for future developments. CCS Concepts: • Software and its engineering ! Integrated and visual development environments.