“…'I think the Digital Stories are amazing, I loved them so much … I think it would be amazing for schools and professionals to watch prior to the child's start … There is too much pressure on the parents to have to try to explain what their child is like, because you can't explain in words a person, … I don't like the pressure of explaining what my son is like myself, because I worry that I'm not portraying accurately enough … -Anita, Oscar's Mum (https://autismtransitions.org/thoughts-on-digital-stories/) Essential to the success of this research methodology was its co-construction with the children, families, and practitioners in early years practice (Parsons et al, 2021(Parsons et al, , 2022a(Parsons et al, , 2022b. Fundamental to this approach is an epistemological understanding that for research methods aimed at influencing practice, the generation of new knowledge must appropriately recognise, respect, and reflect the individual and local contexts of inquiry (Thomas, 2012), as well as the expertise or craft knowledge of practitioners (Hammersley, 2005;Nind, 2006).…”