T his paper aim s at investigating em pirically the im pact of fiscal decentralization reform s on inequality in w ell -being. In particular, w e look at the effects on health inequalities follow ing the assignm ent of larger tax pow er to the Italian R egions for financing their health expenditure, starting from the end of the N ineties. E xploiting large differences in the size of the tax base across R egions, w e find that fiscal decentralization processes that attribute a greater tax pow er to low er governm ent tiers, besides reducing inefficiencies of healthcare policies, seem to be effective in reducing also w ithin-regional disparities in health outcom es. H ow ever, the degree of econom ic developm ent -on w hich depends the actual fiscal autonom y from C entral governm ent -significantly affects the effectiveness of these reform s and highlights the im portance to take properly into account the specific features of the context w here the decentralization of pow er is im plem ented.
K eyw ords:
AbstractThis paper aims at investigating empirically the impact of fiscal decentralization reforms on inequality in well-being. In particular, we look at the effects on health inequalities following the assignment of larger tax power to the Italian Regions for financing their health expenditure, starting from the end of the Nineties. Exploiting large differences in the size of the tax base across Regions, we find that fiscal decentralization processes that attribute a greater tax power to lower government tiers, besides reducing inefficiencies of healthcare policies, seem to be effective in reducing also within-regional disparities in health outcomes. However, the degree of economic development -on which depends the actual fiscal autonomy from Central government -significantly affects the effectiveness of these reforms and highlights the importance to take properly into account the specific features of the context where the decentralization of power is implemented.JEL codes: H75, I14, I18, R50.