“…Khalil et al gave a survey (Khalil and Ebner, 2016) on learning analytics and divided the methods into seven categories: - data mining techniques – the prediction of students’ academic achievement (Asif et al , 2017), detecting students at risk using clicker responses (Choi et al , 2018) and forecasting the relation between studying time and learning performance (Jo et al , 2014);
- statistics and mathematics – building a grading system (Vogelsang and Ruppertz, 2015) and temporal discourse analysis of an online discussion (Lee and Tan, 2017);
- text mining, semantics and linguistic analysis – summarization of students’ learning journals (Taniguchi et al , 2017) and understanding students’ self-reflections (Kovanović, 2018);
- visualization – comprehensive overview of students’ learning from learning management system (Poon et al , 2017), awareness tool for teachers and learners (Martinez-Maldonado et al , 2015) and a learning analytics dashboard (Aljohani et al , 2018);
- network analysis – relationship analysis between technology use and cognitive presence (Kovanović, 2017), classification of students’ patterns into categories based on the level of engagement (Khalil and Ebner, 2016) and a network analysis of LAK (Learning Analytics and Knowledge) conference papers (Dawson et al , 2014);
- qualitative analysis – an evaluation of discussion forums of MOOCs (Ezen-Can et al , 2015) and analyzing instructors comments (Gardner et al , 2016); and
- gamification – e-assessment platform with gamification (Gañán et al , 2017), gamified dashboard (Freitas et al , 2017) and a competency map (Grann and Bushway, 2014).