Despite the promise of school-based mental health (SBMH) in increasing access to mental health services among Asian American (AA) youth, these youth continue to underutilize such services. Although initial research has sought to examine disparities among SBMH service use, these studies have been few in number and have almost exclusively used survey methodology. Accordingly, this study sought to obtain in-depth information from urban-residing, first-and second-generation AA immigrant youth regarding their perceptions of SBMH services, as well as their recommendations for how schools can seek to better engage and address the mental health needs of these students. Thirty-three (n ϭ 33; 58% female) school-aged AA youth participated in focus groups. Data were analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Themes related to awareness and misconceptions of SBMH, as well as positive and negative views of SBMH services, emerged from the students' responses. Further, several recommendations were emphasized, including (a) providing psychoeducation about mental health and services, (b) engaging students and parents, and (c) maintaining privacy and confidentiality. Findings have implications for the development and tailoring of SBMH services for first-and second-generation AA immigrant youth.
What is the public significance of this article?This study sought to obtain information from urban-residing, first-and second-generation Asian American immigrant youth regarding their perceptions of school-based mental health (SBMH) services. Findings point to varying levels of awareness and misconceptions regarding SBMH, positive and negative views of SBMH, and several student recommendations for how to improve SBMH. Findings have implications for the development and tailoring of SBMH services for first-and second-generation Asian American immigrant youth.