Natural systems are a rich source of scientific inspiration. Skin for example functions as an efficient protective barrier for the human body that is able to sense the external environment and repair autonomously. The translation of these physiological properties to synthetic materials could open new opportunities in many strategic fields from health care to robotics. In recent years, significant advances have been accomplished towards the development of synthetic materials with unique sensing and/or self-healing capabilities [1,2] . The ability to self-heal often relies on the use of an external stimulus to trigger repair [3] or on the use of vascular [1,4] or capsule-based [5] systems for the storage and release of healants upon damage. However, these systems often show incomplete healing, cannot heal multiple times, or require the prompt location of the damage site. An alternative is the use of supramolecular polymers (macromolecular aggregates cross-linked by dynamic covalent or hydrogen bonds) that provide an efficient path towards autonomous multiple self-healing [6] . Still, the integration of healing ability with functional capabilities in robust and lightweight materials remains a challenge. In this work, we marry both approaches to develop robust, electrically conductive, self-healing composites. These composites, prepared through the encapsulation of a self-healing supramolecular polymer in a graphene ultralight network, are able to sense pressure and flexion and completely and