Nitrification is a major issue that utilities must address if they utilize chloramines as a secondary disinfectant. Nitrification is the oxidation of free ammonia to nitrite which is then further oxidized to nitrate. Free ammonia is found in drinking water systems as a result of overfeeding at the water treatment plant (WTP) or as a result of the decomposition of monochloramine. Premise plumbing systems (i.e., the plumbing systems within buildings and homes) are characterized by irregular usage patterns, high water age, high temperature, and high surface-to-volume ratios. These characteristics create ideal conditions for increased chloramine decay, bacterial growth, and nitrification. This review discusses factors within premise plumbing that are likely to influence nitrification, and vice versa. Factors influencing, or influenced by, nitrification include the rate at which chloramine residual decays, microbial regrowth, corrosion of pipe materials, and water conservation practices. From a regulatory standpoint, the greatest impact of nitrification within premise plumbing is likely to be a result of increased lead levels during Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) sampling. Other drinking water regulations related to nitrifying parameters are monitored in a manner to reduce premise plumbing impacts. One way to potentially control nitrification in premise plumbing systems is through the development of building management plans.