Using the drug delivery approach, we explain the role lipids and polymers perform in the delivery of gold nanoparticles. They were tested alongside drug and polymer compatibility using pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. The collected data demonstrate the production of gold nanoparticles' stability and strong therapeutic effects. We illustrate some of the intriguing categories of targeting systems for the delivery of Au G Nanoparticles that are under development. Polymers containing reactive functional groups to combine targeting binding sites, cell receptors, or drugs are also coated with nanoparticles engineered for biomedical applications. The present review focuses on utilization of modern excipients, lipids, polymers in formulation of delivery systems that can efficiently delivery the gold nanoparticles. Gold nanoparticles have outranged in their use for treating wide health diseases with limited side effects. The next generation medical deliverables are majorly focused on gold nanoparticles.
Keywords: Gold nanoparticles, Lipids, Polymers, Delivery systems, Excipients, Diseases.