Optics are bidirectional accessors of data structures. They provide a powerful abstraction of many common data transformations. This abstraction is compositional thanks to a representation in terms of profunctors endowed with an algebraic structure called Tambara module [Mil17].There exists a general definition of optic [Boi17,Ril18] in terms of coends that, after some elementary application of the Yoneda lemma, particularizes in each one of the basic optics. Traversals used to be the exception; we show an elementary derivation of traversals and discuss some other new derivations for optics. We relate our characterization of traversals to the previous ones showing that the coalgebras of a comonad that represents and split into shape and contents are traversable functors.I am first grateful to my dissertation supervisor Jeremy Gibbons for generously taking time to make this dissertation possible, for the advice, patience, ideas, pointers to the literature, and all the suggestions that made it readable. His work both on optics [BG18, PGW17] and traversable functors [GdSO09] was many times, and sometimes in unexpected ways, an inspiration for this text.My study of optics has been part of a joint project with a wonderful group of people. I want to thank them all for their ideas, encouragement and kindness. Coordinating conversations on optics over four different timezones was not easy, and they put a lot of effort into making that happen. Bartosz Milewski crafted a theory [Mil17], posed a nice problem, and then wholeheartedly shared with us all his intuitions and insights. Derek Elkins put time, wisdom and patience into guiding me on how to transform ideas into actual mathematics. Bryce Clarke and Emily Pillmore were fantastic colleagues during those days, and discussing both category theory and the intricacies of Haskell with them was particularly stimulating. I learned the art of coend-fu through the lucid teachings of Fosco Loregian [Lor15], who also took the time to clarify many of my doubts. Daniel Cicala, Jules Hedges and Destiny Chen organized the ACT School and made this collaboration possible in the first place. Thanks also go to Guillaume