Perceptions developed and choices made during the preadolescent and early adolescent years may restrict or enrich youth's future career aspirations. These years are critical for acquiring and exploring academic and career-related interests. In addition, outcome expectations -what youth believe will happen if they pursue certain interests, tasks, or goals -are important predictors of eventual career choice. With national, state, and local initiatives advocating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) knowledge and career goals, there is a need to understand youth's outcome expectations regarding these fields. We present a qualitative study examining the outcome expectations of 95 youth aged 10-14, using focus group data. Several of the identified outcome expectations had negative connotations. Results supported the outcome expectations identified by Bandura (i.e., physical, social, and self), and two additional types of outcome expectations (generativity and relational). These two outcome expectations have special relevance for the underrepresentation of girls, women, and minorities in STEM occupations. ). Moreover, during these years, young people make decisions about future coursework in math, science, and technology that can have long-term academic and career effects (Dawes