The rural world is a territory of extreme importance for society as a whole; nevertheless, it still tends to be seen as something separate from it and often marginalized in relation to the urban environment. In addition, it is seen as a backward, outdated and rustic space in some contexts, such as the Brazilian one. The lack of access to social goods ends up limiting the perspectives of people living in this territory, reducing their autonomy and opportunity to make choices about their own lives. Both worldwide and nationally, occupational therapy, in its different subareas, has sought to contribute to the resolution of problems involving different contexts and subjects who occupy and live in rural areas. Thus, the primary objective of this study was to carry out a scope review that covered national and foreign publications, seeking to apprehend, systematize and disseminate scientific production in the interface of occupational therapy with the rural world, critically analyzing it, in order to perceive its potential and weaknesses, considering the different ruralities and contexts around the world. Results from five continents were found with data necessary for this systematization and for a synthesis of this production. Such results were studied, analyzed and distributed in six categories configured from the specific subjects addressed. It is concluded that relevant studies were carried out in the occupational therapy-rural world interface, focusing on factors that influence professional performance in these territories, while proposing methods, strategies and practice, and training programs to overcome important challenges.