Application-level interoperability is defined as the ability of an application to utilize multiple distributed heterogeneous resources. Such interoperability is becoming increasingly important with increasing volumes of data, multiple sources of data as well as resource types. The primary aim of this chapter is to understand different ways in which application-level interoperability can be provided across distributed infrastructure. We achieve this by (i) using the canonical wordcount application, based on an enhanced version of MapReduce that scales-out across clusters, clouds, and HPC resources, (ii) establishing how SAGA enables the execution of wordcount application using MapReduce and other programming models such as Sphere concurrently, and (iii) demonstrating the scale-out of ensemble-based biomolecular simulations across multiple resources. We show user-level control of the relative placement of compute and data and also provide simple performance measures and analysis of SAGA-MapReduce when using multiple, different, heterogeneous infrastructures concurrently for the same problem instance. Finally, we discuss Azure and some of the system-level abstractions that it provides and show how it is used to support ensemble-based biomolecular simulations.