To cite this article: Markus Pscheidt (2011) Structurational analysis of cross-cultural development of an academic registry information system in Mozambique, Information Technology for Development, 17:3, 168-186, This paper aims to produce an understanding of a particular information system development project which has involved teams with African and European backgrounds. This is done by applying a framework for structurational analysis in cross-cultural software production and use. The analysis uncovers actual and potential conflicts, and the cultural heterogeneity that exists between groups of participants. Furthermore, it reveals diverse measures of success by these groups, such as different prioritization of local involvement. Finally, it offers a dynamic conceptualization of how culture can be both reproduced and produced in new ways through human action, and thus brings to attention both opportunities for, as well as barriers to, change. Implications for IS in developing countries include a focus on managing change, incremental development and persistence over time, backed by committed leadership.