In hierarchical models of structure formation, the first galaxies form in low-mass dark matter potential wells, probing the behavior of dark matter on kiloparsec (kpc) scales. Even though these objects are below the detection threshold of current telescopes, future missions will open an observational window into this emergent world. In this Letter we investigate how the first galaxies are assembled in a 'fuzzy' dark matter (FDM) cosmology where dark matter is an ultralight ∼ 10 −22 eV boson and the primordial stars are expected to form along dense dark matter filaments. Using a first-of-its-kind cosmological hydrodynamical simulation, we explore the interplay between baryonic physics and unique wavelike features inherent to FDM. In our simulation, the dark matter filaments show coherent interference patterns on the boson de Broglie scale and develop cylindrical solitonlike cores which are unstable under gravity and collapse into kpc-scale spherical solitons. Features of the dark matter distribution are largely unaffected by the baryonic feedback. On the contrary, the distributions of gas and stars, which do form along the entire filament, exhibit central cores imprinted by dark matter -a smoking gun signature of FDM.Introduction. The nearly century-old dark matter problem is one of the most intriguing mysteries in modern physics. We do not know the nature of 84 percent of matter in the Universe, yet it is thought to govern cosmic structure and hold galaxies and clusters together [1]. Observations show that on scales larger than a few megaparsecs (Mpc), the behavior of dark matter is consistent with it being collisionless [2,3]. However, on scales at and below the size of dwarf galaxies (few kpc) dark matter is not well constrained [4], allowing for many plausible theories with exotic small-scale physics and particle masses spanning over 30 orders of magnitude [5][6][7][8][9][10]. The first star-forming regions in the Universe -more susceptible to dark matter's small-scale behavior than much heavier present-day galaxies -will be revealed by next generation space telescopes and offer a unique probe of the nature of this elusive component.A leading hypothesis for the dark matter 'back-bone' of the Universe is cold dark matter (CDM), such as a thermally-produced weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) of mass eV. CDM is collisionless and Jeans unstable to forming structure on all astrophysical scales down to a particle physics model-dependent small-scale