First and foremost, I would like to thank God Almighty for the gift of living, growing up, and contributing the His plan the way I can. I also thank the Virgin Mary for being my role model and intercessor along the way. I am full of gratitude for my parents, Mrs. Lourinete Bibiano and Mr. Antonio Bibiano (in memoriam), my grandparents, brothers, and sister. Thanks for the kind support support. Especial thanks to Mr. José Pedro Luiz (in memoriam), my dear grandfather, for inspiring me to be a scientist. Thanks to all my friends for the support and patience along the years, especially Jedson Amaro, who helped me to reach my goals and was present in both happy and hard times, my dear friend Jakson Leao that brought me happiness and advice, and my brother Ladovanio Gomes that was my support all the time. Many people became special to my academic formation throughout this journey. I am grateful for their support along the last two years of study along my Master's course. I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Alessandro Garcia, my advisor, for believing in my potential as a scientist. Thanks for helping me reach my dreams. I also thank my dear friend MSc. Eduardo Fernandes who became my research colleague but also a friend for life. During the last two years, we grew together spiritually and academically. Thanks for believing and supporting me, even when I did not believe in myself. I am grateful for the reviews and improvements suggested to this Master's dissertation, including the literature review protocol. Thanks to Dr. Diego Cedrim e MSc. Isabella Ferreira for supporting me in the early phases of my research. You provided me with key support to build the code smells versus batch refactoring database. Thanks also to BS Daniel Oliveira for the support in collecting and validating data used in this work. I extend my thanks to all OPUS Research Group members and collaborators from other groups, especially Profs. Drs. Baldoino Fonseca (UFAL) and Marcos Kalinowski (PUC-Rio). I am thankful for your feedback aimed to shape the directions of my research. Especial thanks to the (anonymous) software development companies that provided me with data for analysis. Thanks to Profs. Drs. Leonardo Murta (UFF), Marcos Kalinowski (PUC-Rio), and Simone Barbosa (PUC-Rio) for kindly accepting to integrate this Master's dissertation defense committee. Doing science in Brazil is challenging and, in the context, I would like to thank all agencies that provided me with funding, especially the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), plus the partner companies of the Software Engineering Laboratory (LES/PUC-Rio) for the student scholarship.