Breastfeeding can be challenging, but it is difficult for antenatal education to convey issues associated with the lived experience of breastfeeding. In our work, we explore the potential of interactive simulations to support antenatal education, and present Virtual Feed, a Virtual Reality breastfeeding simulation for parents-to-be developed following a three-step process. (1) We created an experience prototype that features basic VR scenarios and a tangible baby, (2) we engaged in design sessions with 19 parents and parents-tobe to derive design implications to further refine the simulation, and (3) we evaluated the system through case studies to examine the perspectives of parents and parents-to-be on the simulation. Our results show that the simulation successfully engaged users and sparked curiosity, while also encouraging reflection about the challenges of breastfeeding. On this basis, we discuss challenges for the design of simulations with the purpose of supplementing antenatal education.
CCS CONCEPTS• Human-centered computing → Human computer interaction (HCI); Virtual reality.