“…where Pr is the water pressure in kg/cm 2 , Te is the temperature in Celsius degrees, while Sa stands for the salinity of the seawater in % , [27,48]. Next, by substituting the refractive index into the propagation constant, i.e., β(ω) = ωn(ω)c −1 , with c being the speed of light in vacuum, in m/sec [28,33], and by expanding it in a Taylor series around the angular frequency ω 0 and keeping terms up to the second order [28], with β q = (d q β/dω q ) ω=ω 0 for q = 1,2, ... [28], the value of β 1 , which represents the inverse group velocity [28], is estimated, while β 2 , which represents the GVD parameter, is given in ps 2 /km as [28]:…”