The Perlin effect and its analog for fluorinated compounds (the fluorine Perlin‐like effect) manifest on one‐bond C─H (C─F for the fluorine Perlin‐like effect) spin–spin coupling constants (SSCCs) in six‐membered rings. These effects can be useful to probe the stereochemistry (axial or equatorial) of the C─H and C─F bonds, respectively. The origin of these effects has been debatable in the literature as being due to hyperconjugative interactions, dipolar effects, and induced current density. Accordingly, a variety of model compounds has been used to probe such effects since the cyclohexanone carbonyl group and the endocyclic heteroatom lone pairs play different roles on the above‐mentioned effects. Thus, the 1JC─F SSCC in fluorinated lactams and lactones were theoretically studied to gain further insight on the nature of the fluorine Perlin‐like effect. In addition, because the intramolecular α‐effect has recently gained attention for its importance in the reactivity and stereoelectronic interactions in peroxide compounds, some fluorinated 1,2‐dioxanes and 1,2‐dithianes were studied to evaluate the role of the α‐effect on the behavior of 1JC─F SSCCs. Differently from fluorinated ketones and ethers, the fluorine Perlin‐like effect in the amides and esters cannot be explained by hyperconjugative or dipolar interactions alone, because the resonance in these groups affect the 1JC─F values. The O─O and S─S‐containing systems exhibit a strong fluorine Perlin‐like effect, but unlike the α‐effect, this behavior cannot be explained neither by hyperconjugation nor by dipolar interactions alone; the spatial proximity of the C─F and O─O/S─S bonds is proposed to affect the magnitude of the 1JC─F SSCC.