Recently the lifetime of the excited 2 P 1/2 -state of S − was measured to be 503 ± 54 s (Bäckström et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 143003 (2015)). The earlier theoretical lifetime of 436 s was clearly outside the experimental error bars. To investigate this discrepancy we have performed systematic and large-scale multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations for this system. After including a careful treatment of correlation and relativistic effects, we predict a well-converged value of 492 s for this lifetime, with an uncertainty considerably less than 1%, thereby removing the apparent conflict between theory and experiment. We also show that this result corresponds to the nonrelativistic limit in the LS-approximation for the M1 transition within this 2 P term. We also demonstrate the usefulness of the latter approach for 2 P transitions in O − , Se − and Te − , as well as for analogous M1 transitions within 2 D terms in Ni − and Pt − ions.