Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) exhibit tremendously elevated risk for cardiovascular disease, particularly ischemic heart disease, due to premature vascular and cardiac aging and accelerated ectopic calcification. The presence of cardiovascular calcification associates with increased risk in patients with CKD. Disturbed mineral homeostasis and diverse comorbidities in these patients drive increased systemic cardiovascular calcification in different manifestations with diverse clinical consequences, like plaque instability, vessel stiffening, and aortic stenosis. This review outlines the heterogeneity in calcification patterning, including mineral type and location and potential implications on clinical outcomes. The advent of therapeutics currently in clinical trials may reduce CKD-associated morbidity. Development of therapeutics for cardiovascular calcification begins with the premise that less mineral is better. While restoring diseased tissues to a noncalcified homeostasis remains the ultimate goal, in some cases, calcific mineral may play a protective role, such as in atherosclerotic plaques. Therefore, developing treatments for ectopic calcification may require a nuanced approach that considers individual patient risk factors. Here, we discuss the most common cardiac and vascular calcification pathologies observed in CKD, how mineral in these tissues affects function, and the potential outcomes and considerations for therapeutic strategies that seek to disrupt the nucleation and growth of mineral. Finally, we discuss future patient-specific considerations for treating cardiac and vascular calcification in patients with CKD—a population in need of anticalcification therapies.