Melo-Filho NM, Belmiro CL, Gonçalves RG, Takiya CM, Leite M Jr, Pavão MS, Mourão PA. Fucosylated chondroitin sulfate attenuates renal fibrosis in animals submitted to unilateral ureteral obstruction: a P-selectin-mediated event? Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 299: F1299 -F1307, 2010. First published September 22, 2010 doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00217.2010.-Fibrosis is the end point of most renal diseases, and several glycosaminoglycans have been shown to attenuate this process. Marine invertebrate glycosaminoglycans with unique structures have opened the possibility to test these new compounds on renal fibrosis. The effect of a fucosylated chondroitin sulfate from an echinoderm marine species is reported with the use of a model of renal fibrosis in rats, termed unilateral ureteral obstruction. Animals were given 4 mg/kg body wt of fucosylated chondroitin sulfate intraperitoneally, once a day. After 14 days, their kidneys were examined by histological, immunohistochemical, and biochemical methods. Compared with control mice, collagen deposition decreased in the course of renal fibrosis in the animals receiving fucosylated chondroitin sulfate, as revealed by Sirius red staining and hydroxyproline content. The cellularity related to myofibroblasts and macrophages was also reduced, as was the production of transforming growth factor (TGF)-. The glycosaminoglycan content increased in the renal interstitium of animals submitted to unilateral ureteral obstruction compared with the control contralateral kidney, mostly due to an increase of chondroitin sulfate content. Interestingly, no change in the pattern of glycosaminoglycan deposition was observed after administration of fucosylated chondroitin sulfate. Fibrosis induced by unilateral ureteral obstruction is attenuated in P-selectin-deficient mice, which also do not respond to the invertebrate glycosaminoglycan. In conclusion, fucosylated chondroitin sulfate attenuates renal fibrosis on a ureteral obstruction model in mice preponderantly through a P-selectinmediated mechanism.glycosaminoglycans; inflammatory cells; anti-selectin activity; cytokine expression; collagen accumulation THE PROGRESSION OF RENAL DISEASES has increasingly challenged investigators to test new therapeutic approaches to halt the progression of renal interstitial fibrosis. The initial aspect of the progressive renal disease may differ. Glomerular diseases may progress to glomerular sclerosis and scarring, whereas tubular diseases may develop to tubulointerstitial fibrosis. However, as the disease progresses in both circumstances, renal interstitial fibrosis is the predominant pathological outcome (15).The use of glycosaminoglycans as anti-inflammatory agents has been tested in different models of renal disease. In subtotal nephrectomized rats, heparin ameliorates glomerular sclerosis and interstitial fibrosis (1). Low-molecular-weight heparin decreases proteinuria in adriamycin-induced renal disease (3) and attenuates fibrosis in the unilateral ureteral obstruction model in rats (21).Sulfated polysaccha...