In this work, we provide an overview of how well-established concepts in the fields of quantum chemistry and material sciences have to be adapted when the quantum nature of light becomes important in correlated matter-photon problems. We analyze model systems in optical cavities, where the matter-photon interaction is considered from the weak-to the strong-coupling limit and for individual photon modes as well as for the multimode case. We identify fundamental changes in Born-Oppenheimer surfaces, spectroscopic quantities, conical intersections, and efficiency for quantum control. We conclude by applying our recently developed quantum-electrodynamical density-functional theory to spontaneous emission and show how a straightforward approximation accurately describes the correlated electron-photon dynamics. This work paves the way to describe matter-photon interactions from first principles and addresses the emergence of new states of matter in chemistry and material science.QED chemistry | quantum electrodynamical density functional theory | adiabatic polariton surfaces | local control | optimized effective potential N ovel experimental possibilities have allowed scientists to obtain new insights into how photons interact with matter and how these interactions correlate photonic and particle degrees of freedom. Such experiments show, for example, an increase of the conductivity in organic semiconductors through hybridization with the vacuum field (3), strong shifts of the vibrational frequencies by the coupling of molecular resonators with a microcavity mode (4), nonclassical single photon-phonon correlations (5), the control of spin relaxations using an optical cavity (6), the enhancement of Raman scattering from vibropolariton states (7,8), changes of chemical reactivity (9, 10), single-molecule strong coupling (11), sampling of vacuum fluctuations (12), strong exciton-photon coupling of light-harvesting complexes (13), strong long-range atom-atom interactions mediated by photons (14), attractive photonic states (15, 16), or superradiance for atoms in photonic crystals (17). All these results indicate the appearance of new states of matter and subsequently a change in the chemical properties of the matter system (18-21), if the quantum nature of light becomes important. For example, in so-called strong-coupling situations, which are nowadays of central interest in the fields of circuit quantum electrodynamics (circuit QED) (22-24) or cavity QED (25,26). Whereas the analyses of such experiments are routinely performed with the help of simplified (few-level) models that are able to capture the essential physics, for the (quantitative) prediction of properties of complex multiparticle systems coupled to photons, methods that can treat such coupled boson-fermion situations from first principles seem worthwhile (1, 2, 27-31). On the other hand, the strong coupling to photons can challenge our conventional understanding of electronic structures and allows us to study the influence of the quantum nature of light on ch...