We will prove the following results for 3-fold pairs (X, B) over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic p > 5: log flips exist for Qfactorial dlt pairs (X, B); log minimal models exist for projective klt pairs (X, B) with pseudo-effective K X + B; the log canonical ring R(K X + B) is finitely generated for projective klt pairs (X, B) when K X + B is a big Qdivisor; semi-ampleness holds for a nef and big Q-divisor D if D − (K X + B) is nef and big and (X, B) is projective klt; Q-factorial dlt models exist for lc pairs (X, B); terminal models exist for klt pairs (X, B); ACC holds for lc thresholds; etc. Contents 1 45 12. Non-big log divisors: proof of 1.11 45 References 47Existence of flips and minimal models for 3-folds in char p 5 our results on flips and minimal models.Dlt and terminal models. The next two results are standard consequences of the LMMP (more precisely, of special termination). They are proved in Section 7.Theorem 1.6. Let (X, B) be an lc pair of dimension 3 over k of char p > 5. Then (X, B) has a (crepant) Q-factorial dlt model. In particular, if (X, B) is klt, then X has a Q-factorialization by a small morphism.The theorem was proved in [13, Theorem 6.1] for pairs with standard coefficients.Theorem 1.7. Let (X, B) be a klt pair of dimension 3 over k of char p > 5. Then (X, B) has a (crepant) Q-factorial terminal model.The theorem was proved in [13, Theorem 6.1] for pairs with standard coefficients and canonical singularities.The connectedness principle with applications to semi-ampleness. The next result concerns the Kollár-Shokurov connectedness principle. In characteristic 0, the surface case was proved by Shokurov by taking a resolution and then calculating intersection numbers [26, Lemma 5.7] but the higher dimensional case was proved by Kollár by deriving it from the Kawamata-Viehweg vanishing theorem [20, Theorem 17.4].Theorem 1.8. Let (X, B) be a projective Q-factorial pair of dimension 3 over k of char p > 5. Let f : X → Z be a birational contraction such that −(K X +B) is ample/Z. Then for any closed point z ∈ Z, the non-klt locus of (X, B) is connected in any neighborhood of the fibre X z .The theorem is proved in Section 9. To prove it we use the LMMP rather than vanishing theorems. When dim X = 2, the theorem holds in a stronger form (see 9.3).We will use the connectedness principle on surfaces to prove some semiampleness results on surfaces and 3-folds. Here is one of them: Theorem 1.9. Let (X, B + A) be a projective Q-factorial dlt pair of dimension 3 over k of char p > 5. Assume that A, B ≥ 0 are Q-divisors such that A is ample andNote that if one could show that ⌊B⌋ is semi-lc, then the result would follow from Tanaka [29]. In order to show that ⌊B⌋ is semi-lc one needs to check that it satisfies the Serre condition S 2 . In characteristic 0 this is a consequence of Kawamata-Viehweg vanishing (see Kollár [20, Corollary 17.5]). The S 2 condition can be used to glue sections on the various irreducible components of ⌊B⌋. To prove the above semi-ampleness we instead use a ...