Let K be a field of characteristic zero, X and Y be smooth K-varieties, and let G be a algebraic K-group. Given two algebraic morphisms ϕ : X → G and ψ : Y → G, we define their convolution ϕ * ψ : X × Y → G by ϕ * ψ(x, y) = ϕ(x) · ψ(y). We then show that this operation yields morphisms with improved smoothness properties. More precisely, we show that for any morphism ϕ : X → G which is dominant when restricted to each absolutely irreducible component of X, by convolving it with itself finitely many times, one can obtain a flat morphism with reduced fibers of rational singularities, generalizing the main result of our previous paper [GH]. Uniform bounds on families of morphisms are given as well. Moreover, as a key analytic step, we also prove the following result in motivic integration; if {f Qp : Q n p → C}p∈primes is a collection of functions which is motivic in the sense of Denef-Pas, and f Qp is L 1 for any p large enough, then in fact there exists ǫ > 0 such that f Qp is L 1+ǫ for any p large enough.