The original density is 1 for t ∈ (0, 1), b is an integer base (b ≥ 2), and p ∈ (0, 1) is a parameter. The first construction stage divides the unit interval into b subintervals and multiplies the density in each subinterval by either 1 or −1 with the respective frequencies of 1 2 + p 2 and 1 2 − p 2 . It is shown that the resulting density can be renormalized so that, as n → ∞ (n being the number of iterations) the signed measure converges in some sense to a nondegenerate limit. If H = 1 + log b p > 1/2, hence p > b −1/2 , renormalization creates a martingale, the convergence is strong, and the limit shares the Hölder and Hausdorff properties of the fractional Brownian motion of exponent H. If H ≤ 1/2, hence p ≤ b −1/2 , this martingale does not converge. However, a different normalization can be applied, for H ≤ 1 2 to the martingale itself and for H > 1 2 to the discrepancy between the limit and a finite approximation. In all cases the resulting process is found to converge weakly to the Wiener Brownian motion, independently of H and of b. Thus, to the usual additive paths toward Wiener measure, this procedure adds an infinity of multiplicative paths.