We discuss a family M n t , with n ≥ 2, t > 1, of real hypersurfaces in a complex affine n-dimensional quadric arising in connection with the classification of homogeneous compact simply connected real-analytic hypersurfaces in C n due to Morimoto and Nagano. To finalize their classification, one needs to resolve the problem of the embeddability of M n t in C n for n = 3, 7. We show that M 7 t is not embeddable in C 7 for every t and that M 3 t is embeddable in C 3 for all 1 < t < 1 + 10 −6 . As a consequence of our analysis of a map constructed by Ahern and Rudin, we also conjecture that the embeddability ofThe group SO(n + 1, R) acts on Q n , and the orbits of this action are the sphere S n = Q n ∩ R n+1 as well as the compact strongly pseudoconvex hypersurfacesThese hypersurfaces play an important role in the classical paper [13], where the authors set out to determine all compact simply connected real-analytic hypersurfaces in C n homogeneous under an action of a Lie group by CR-transformations. They showed that every such hypersurface is CR-equivalent to either the sphere S 2n−1 or, for n = 3, 7, to the manifold M n t for some t. However, the question of the existence of a real-analytic CR-embedding of M n t in C n for n = 3, 7 was not clarified, thus the classification in these two dimensions was not fully completed. 1350064-1 Int. J. Math. 2013.24. Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com by YALE UNIVERSITY on 02/04/15. For personal use only. 1350064-7 Int. J. Math. 2013.24. Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com by YALE UNIVERSITY on 02/04/15. For personal use only.