It is a consequence of the Morse-Bott Lemma (see Theorems 2.10 and 2.14) that a C 2 Morse-Bott function on an open neighborhood of a critical point in a Banach space obeys a Łojasiewicz gradient inequality with the optimal exponent one half. In this article we prove converses (Theorems 1, 2, and Corollary 3) for analytic functions on Banach spaces: If the Łojasiewicz exponent of an analytic function is equal to one half at a critical point, then the function is Morse-Bott and thus its critical set nearby is an analytic submanifold. The main ingredients in our proofs are the Łojasiewicz gradient inequality for an analytic function on a finite-dimensional vector space [81] and the Morse Lemma (Theorems 4 and 5) for functions on Banach spaces with degenerate critical points that generalize previous versions in the literature, and which we also use to give streamlined proofs of the Łojasiewicz-Simon gradient inequalities for analytic functions on Banach spaces (Theorems 9 and 10).