Abstract. In [1], Anscombe and Koenigsmann give an existential ∅-definition of the ring of formal power series F [[t]] in its quotient field in the case where F is finite. We extend their method in several directions to give general definability results for henselian valued fields with finite or pseudo-algebraically closed residue fields. §1. Introduction. The question of first order definability of valuation rings in their quotient fields has a long history. Given a valued field K, one is interested in whether there exists a first order formula ϕ in the language L = {+, −, ·, 0, 1} of rings such that the set ϕ(K) defined by ϕ in K is precisely the valuation ring, and what complexity such formula must have.Many results of this kind are known for henselian valued fields, like fields of formal power series K = F ((t)) over a field F , and their valuation ring F [[t]]. In this setting, a definition going back to Julia Robinson gives an existential definition of the valuation ring using the parameter t. Later, Ax [2] gave a definition of the valuation ring, which uses no parameters, but is not existential.Recently, Anscombe and Koenigsmann [1] succeeded to give an existential and parameter-free definition of F [[t]] in F ((t)) in the special case where F = F q is a finite field. Their proof uses the fact that F q can be defined in F q ((t)) by the quantifier-free formula x q − x = 0. In particular, their result does not apply to any infinite field F , and their formula depends heavily on q.In this note we simplify and extend their method. As a first application we get the following general definability result for henselian valued fields with finite or pseudo-algebraically closed residue fields (Theorem 2.6 and Theorem 3.5), which generalizes [1, Theorem 1.1] on F q ((t)) and [5, Theorem 6] As a further application, in Section 4, we find definitions of the valuation ring which are uniform for large (infinite) families of finite residue fields, like the following one for finite prime fields (Theorem 4.3):